Best Left’s most anticipated albums of 2024!
New year means new music! Just a week into 2024 and tons of albums have been announced to come out this year. Check out our top 15 most anticipated albums of the year and a playlist of their currently released singles below! :)
January 2024:
January 19th:
glass beach - plastic death
This West Coast indie band is releasing their second album roughly five years after their debut, with a tour following in the spring!
Current singles:
the CIA
rare animal
Green Day - Saviors
Green Day, what more is there to say!
Current singles:
The American Dream Is Killing Me
Look Ma, No Brains!
January 26th:
Courting - New Last Name
This Liverpool-based genreless band continues to put out strong tune after strong tune. Their first album Guitar Music was a fantastic debut, and based upon these singles their second album will be another fun and exciting release from Courting.
Current singles:
Emily G
We Look Good Together (Big Words)
Goth Babe - Lola
Goth Babe’s debut album!! Highly anticipated feel-good summer vibes.
Current singles:
Alone in the Mountains
NewDad - MADRA
This Irish band is releasing their debut album after building up their dedicated following through their previous singles and EPs. A newer sound from their previous releases, NewDad is definitely one to keep your eye on.
Current singles:
In My Head
Let Go
The Smile - Wall Of Eyes
Thom Yorke’s latest project has gained a great amount of attention over the past few years and for good reason.
Current singles:
Bending Hectic
Wall Of Eyes
February 2024:
February 2nd:
The Last Dinner Party - Prelude To Ecstasy
A success from their very first single, The Last Dinner Party has won BBC Radio 1's Sound Of 2024 and a Brit award for Rising Star, their debut album is almost destined to be a hit.
Current singles:
Nothing Matters
My Lady Of Mercy
On Your Side
Caesar on a TV Screen
February 9th:
Declan Mckenna - What Happened To The Beach?
A fun and fresh yet slightly familiar sound from Declan Mckenna that fans have been excited for since he performed the then unreleased singles while on his North American tour.
Current singles:
Nothing Works
Elevator Hum
Ducks Ltd. - Harm’s Way
Described as “an undeniable evolution” of the band’s songwriting, Harm’s Way is an exciting step forward for the band.
Current singles:
The Main Thing
Hollowed Out
Train Full of Gasoline
February 16th:
Lime Garden - One More Thing
A sort of coming-of-age for this four piece band, One More Thing is the long awaited debut album from Brighton’s own Lime Garden.
Current singles:
Nepotism (baby)
Love Song
I Want To Be You
February 23rd:
MGMT - Loss of Life
MGMT’s label debut on Mom + Pop records!
Current singles:
Mother Nature
Bubblegum Dog
March 2024:
March 1st:
Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven
Five years since their last album, Mannequin Pussy’s latest is certain to be another powerful and pleasing record.
Current singles:
I Got Heaven
I Don’t Know You
Yard Act - Where’s My Utopia?
With the current singles different from the distinct sound of their debut album, Yard Act’s sophomore LP should be an exciting and unique listen.
Current singles:
Dream Job
March 8th:
Bleachers - Bleachers
Bleachers’ self titled album is set to release just a few months before their US tour, which ends with their Shadow Of The City festival in Asbury Park, NJ.
Current singles:
Modern Girl
Alma Mater
The Libertines - All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade
Nearly a decade since their last album release, The Libertines are back with songs that paint a clear picture for whoever is listening.
Current singles:
Run Run Run
Night Of The Hunter